Thursday, July 16, 2009

i'm baaccckkk!!!

hey, all!!! i'm back!!! yeah, i know that there probably isn't any rational explanation to my laziness but oh well, things have been preety hectic around here!!! lolz sorryyyy...... am sorry i had to go hiatus without informing!! lolz anyways, a lot have been going on lately... we won the district debates and went for states in betung!!! we lost at the 1st round to st. jo but screw it!!! we don't care cause we had the time of our lives..... the place had nothing!! not even a kfc...but....being the monkeys we are, we managed to have a blast by hoping on every single tree we could get hold of!!!! hahahahahahaha *just an expression* seriously, this trip has taught me a lot about friendship... it has created a stronger bond between me and my friends!!! i thank the Lord for that great oppurtunity!! hahahaha anyways, after that i had my public speaking and i represented the district again and got 2nd for my states!! yeah baby!!! (austin power style) jokes jokes.... n then, minnie left for aussie and i cried at the airport... hmmm *wonders* i'll be seeing her at the end of the year for heaven's sake!! lolz the rest were all dramas, dramas and more dramas.....!!!!! :) pinky, matt n i have given each other nicknames and we have this book where we pass each other notes everyday!!! hahahahahaha i just hope we dun get caught ;) as for pressly, he's been scolding me a lot lately....sobz sobz.... mainly cause i dunno how to take care of myself!!! haahahaha i can be such a baby at times!! lol.... n as for sing yew!!!! well, he never changes!!!!!!! still being that proud meano... hahahaahaha i love em heaps, tho!!!!! would love to brag longer but i've got bm tuition to attend in literally 30 minutes so, i HAVE to leave soon!!! lolz

c ya!!!
