Tuesday, March 24, 2009


like wth??? i've been so caught up in my own world that i've not been bothered to watch the news or read the papers.... although my parents watch news all the time!!! i have been keeping up on a few updates and the only section of the newspaper that i read is the sports section(all about ManUtd!! oh, yeah!!) and the obituary section( i know it's weird, but i always make it a point to read this sec whenever i read the papers)...... anyways, just as i was lying down doing my work in the hall, my mum was watching Datuk Seri Najib give some talk on tv and i was like 'Mum, why are you watching this???' n she was like 'He's gonna be our Prime Minister in a week's time'!!! i mean, wth??? i have got no idea how i overlooked this matter!!! hahahahha can u imagine me?? i did not even know that our country was about to change leaders..... keep it up, daalleni!!! hahahaha i've gotta be more updated!! oh, GOSH!!!

that's all for now!!! wish me good luck in my quiz tomorrow!!

nite nitez......Zzzzz
