Tuesday, March 24, 2009

*yawns yawns*

to all humans out there, HOLA!!!!

haha i'm so sleepy.......... came back at 3.30 today.... the hols have made me lazy!! hahahaha jokes, jokes!! i got my chemistry marks today... thank you, lord for letting me do well for it!!!! i'm blessed!! lol may tu beat me by 3 marks, tho!!! yea, i noe... 3.....hahahha it was a bit hard at 1st!!! was kinda upset but hey!! nobody's perfect...... i've learnt to accept it!!!

honestly speaking, the australian maths is not easy!! even teachers find it difficult to understand!!! lotsa iq questions..... hahahahaha lte me give u an example!!!

The number 2008! (factorial 2008) means the product of all

the integers 1,2,3,4,5............2007, 2007. with how many zeros does 2008! end?

likeeeee wth???? i don't understand!!!!! muahahahahaaaha i just got a text from laveniya saying how she's going to fail her add maths!!! lol i have no idea why add maths just doesn't work for some people!!! thank God i don't have any major probs with it YET!!!!

that's all for today, i think!!! am gonna have my wonderful beauty sleep now!!!! and after that it's back to the same old HOMEWORK!!!!!! hahhahahahaha
